Awards Season is Approaching - Golden Globes Noms!
Hey everyone, My all time favorite awards show, The Golden Globes came out with their nominations today. It's a mixed bag, but what else can you expect when you consider the nominees are chosen and selected solely by members of the Hollywood Foreign Press. Not the most reliable bunch I'm guessing. But they are brilliant in their plan to hand out awards for movies and tv at one event, thus trumping both the Oscars and the Emmys. You can see all the nominations here. Unfortunately, I have yet to see many of these film nominees, but Munich, King Kong, Constant Gardener, Match Point, The Squid and the Whale, and Mrs. Henderson Presents are all on my To See list. Following are my thoughts on the inclusion/exclusion of ones I have seen:
What They Got Right - Movies:
Best Actor, Drama - Russell Crowe for Cinderella Man, Heath Ledger for Brokeback Mountain and Phillip Seymour Hoffman for Capote all deserve to be on this list
Best Picture, Musical or Comedy - I don't really think of Pride & Prejudice as a comedy, though it is definitely amusing, but either way I'm glad for the nod. Not as glad though as I am to see Walk the Line. Still my #1 of the year.
Best Actor, Musical or Comedy - Joaquin Phoenix for Walk the Line. He really was the man in black.
Best Actress, Musical or Comedy - Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line and Keira Knightley for P&P are both great picks.
Supporting Actor - Matt Dillon for Crash. Pretty much anyone from Crash could have been on this list and I'd be pleased. But something tells me this is my favorite Outsider's first nomination (in junior high, I watched the movie over and over in vain on HBO hoping that things would turn out differently for Dally, but they never did), so I'm especially happy to see him get some recognition.
Screenplay - Hooray for Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco for Crash
What they got Wrong - Movies:
Where is Upside of Anger? No love for this movie whatsoever. It is an insult that the movie wasn't nominated for Best Picture, Musical or Comedy and it is an outrage that Joan Allen isn't up for best actress. For shame! I would have been pleased to see Kevin Costner up there as well for Best Supporting Actor.
Including History of Violence (absolutely pointless and horrid) and Brokeback Mountain (too long and way too depressing) in the Best Picture category. Crash so should have been there in place of History.
Nominating George Clooney for Syriana and Maria Bello for History of Violence. Why, you crazy foreign journalists, why?!
What they got Right - TV:
Drama Series - Right on for Lost and Rome
Comedy Series - Entourage and My Name is Earl are both deserving
Actress, Drama - I was thrilled to see the delightfully evil Polly Walker on the list for Rome
Actor, Drama - Hugh Laurie IS House
Actor, Comedy - Jason Lee for Earl and Steve Carell for The Office both rock
Miniseries - I'm torn between Empire Falls and Warm Springs. Both were most enjoyable.
What they got Wrong - TV:
First off, due to HBO's bizarre scheduling, I'm not sure if The Wire or to a lesser extent, Deadwood qualified for Golden Globes this year, but if they did, the entire list of TV nominations needs to be used as birdcage liner. I'm going to go with the assumption that The Wire did not qualify so I don't have to boycott the Awards this year.
Drama - Commander in Chief, really? We watched a few eps and it was good but in no way great. I guess they had to replace The West Wing with something, tho thanks to the whole presidential race storyline, West Wing is back to being good and would make more sense on this list than Commander. I watched a few Prison Breaks and wasn't too impressed with it either. I'd have put Gilmore Girls here - tho it could go in Comedy as well - or even better this year, Everwood.
Comedy - Where's The Office? I'm going on the record right now by naming this show as my favorite of the 2005 Fall season. If you're not watching it, you are so missing out. There's so much going on for it besides Steve Carell. The true stars are those playing Jim and Pam, my fav star-crossed couple of the year, and doofus Dwight. The Office handily takes up the mantle of Newsradio.
Comedy - As everyone and their dog noted, Curb Your Enthusiasm kind of sucked this year. It totally stole The Office's space. I don't watch Two and a Half Men, but I'm guessing it stole How I Met Your Mother's space.
Actress, Comedy - Do we really need all four housewives? The four in question must terrify the foreign press, hence their bizarre decision to include them all. Beware the wrath of Nicollette Sheridan! The surprising comedienne of the show this year has been Eva Longoria's Gabrielle. She and perhaps Marcia Cross make a little sense. But where's Lauren Graham? Tho Gilmore Girls has been a bit off this year, her Lorelai is right on. Teri Hatcher so stole her spot. I'd also replace another housewife, yep that would mean you Felicity - with Pam from The Office. On second thought, I'd also rather see a nom go to the hilarious Jaime Pressley for My Name is Earl rather than to DH's Cross.
Miniseries - Thomas and I are probably the only two that made it through all of Into the West. If you didn't watch it, be very very grateful. It was tres boring. It's on this list for one reason: A Stephen Spielberg Production.
Jan 16 is Awards Day. You can be I'll bet tuning in.
What They Got Right - Movies:
Best Actor, Drama - Russell Crowe for Cinderella Man, Heath Ledger for Brokeback Mountain and Phillip Seymour Hoffman for Capote all deserve to be on this list
Best Picture, Musical or Comedy - I don't really think of Pride & Prejudice as a comedy, though it is definitely amusing, but either way I'm glad for the nod. Not as glad though as I am to see Walk the Line. Still my #1 of the year.
Best Actor, Musical or Comedy - Joaquin Phoenix for Walk the Line. He really was the man in black.
Best Actress, Musical or Comedy - Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line and Keira Knightley for P&P are both great picks.
Supporting Actor - Matt Dillon for Crash. Pretty much anyone from Crash could have been on this list and I'd be pleased. But something tells me this is my favorite Outsider's first nomination (in junior high, I watched the movie over and over in vain on HBO hoping that things would turn out differently for Dally, but they never did), so I'm especially happy to see him get some recognition.
Screenplay - Hooray for Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco for Crash
What they got Wrong - Movies:
Where is Upside of Anger? No love for this movie whatsoever. It is an insult that the movie wasn't nominated for Best Picture, Musical or Comedy and it is an outrage that Joan Allen isn't up for best actress. For shame! I would have been pleased to see Kevin Costner up there as well for Best Supporting Actor.
Including History of Violence (absolutely pointless and horrid) and Brokeback Mountain (too long and way too depressing) in the Best Picture category. Crash so should have been there in place of History.
Nominating George Clooney for Syriana and Maria Bello for History of Violence. Why, you crazy foreign journalists, why?!
What they got Right - TV:
Drama Series - Right on for Lost and Rome
Comedy Series - Entourage and My Name is Earl are both deserving
Actress, Drama - I was thrilled to see the delightfully evil Polly Walker on the list for Rome
Actor, Drama - Hugh Laurie IS House
Actor, Comedy - Jason Lee for Earl and Steve Carell for The Office both rock
Miniseries - I'm torn between Empire Falls and Warm Springs. Both were most enjoyable.
What they got Wrong - TV:
First off, due to HBO's bizarre scheduling, I'm not sure if The Wire or to a lesser extent, Deadwood qualified for Golden Globes this year, but if they did, the entire list of TV nominations needs to be used as birdcage liner. I'm going to go with the assumption that The Wire did not qualify so I don't have to boycott the Awards this year.
Drama - Commander in Chief, really? We watched a few eps and it was good but in no way great. I guess they had to replace The West Wing with something, tho thanks to the whole presidential race storyline, West Wing is back to being good and would make more sense on this list than Commander. I watched a few Prison Breaks and wasn't too impressed with it either. I'd have put Gilmore Girls here - tho it could go in Comedy as well - or even better this year, Everwood.
Comedy - Where's The Office? I'm going on the record right now by naming this show as my favorite of the 2005 Fall season. If you're not watching it, you are so missing out. There's so much going on for it besides Steve Carell. The true stars are those playing Jim and Pam, my fav star-crossed couple of the year, and doofus Dwight. The Office handily takes up the mantle of Newsradio.
Comedy - As everyone and their dog noted, Curb Your Enthusiasm kind of sucked this year. It totally stole The Office's space. I don't watch Two and a Half Men, but I'm guessing it stole How I Met Your Mother's space.
Actress, Comedy - Do we really need all four housewives? The four in question must terrify the foreign press, hence their bizarre decision to include them all. Beware the wrath of Nicollette Sheridan! The surprising comedienne of the show this year has been Eva Longoria's Gabrielle. She and perhaps Marcia Cross make a little sense. But where's Lauren Graham? Tho Gilmore Girls has been a bit off this year, her Lorelai is right on. Teri Hatcher so stole her spot. I'd also replace another housewife, yep that would mean you Felicity - with Pam from The Office. On second thought, I'd also rather see a nom go to the hilarious Jaime Pressley for My Name is Earl rather than to DH's Cross.
Miniseries - Thomas and I are probably the only two that made it through all of Into the West. If you didn't watch it, be very very grateful. It was tres boring. It's on this list for one reason: A Stephen Spielberg Production.
Jan 16 is Awards Day. You can be I'll bet tuning in.
I'm so out of the loop I'd never even heard of some of those movies you mentioned at the beginning of your rather funny diatribe (What the hells is Mrs. Henderson?). I think the smart money is going on the gay cowboys to win everything, because just as the West was the final frontier for America until the space race, so too will the homosexualization of the West be the final frontier for Hollywood to sodomize every last bit of American culture (and, to extend the thought, I'm sure we can soon expect a Russian cosmonaut played by Jude Law and an American cosmonaut played by Joaquin Phoenix to, er, blast off at some point in the near future). While this may sound like some form of bigotry, it is and it isn't; simply put, I have no problems with homosexuality - really, I don't - I just wonder why attaching homosexuality to a story immediately makes it a groundbreaking, blockbustering, award-winning masterpiece. If American Pie had been about horny teenage boys going after other horny teenage boys, it probably would have won a Nobel prize, even if they had called it Biloxi Blues II. Whatever. Sorry to hear that Syriana sucked so bad. I read Roger Ebert's review and felt something was rotten in Denmark. Ebert uses a rather cryptic logic when explaining the movie, basically saying it's pointless to explain it because, like the oil trade, some things are necessary and inexplicable at the same time. As Big Daddy said in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, anything that needs that kind of language to explain is 90-proof bull and I ain't buying. Ebert, being a lefty in the great American sense, was no doubt intoxicated by the presumably anti-American slant in the movie and therefore stumbled onto some kind of Hellerian logic in justifying the non-point the movie, according to your review, makes.
Anyway, the Kong is dead, long live the Kong.
Anonymous, at 12/15/2005 8:47 PM
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