Siskel and Ebert and the Misery
Hey everyone! I stumbled across these clips and had to pass them on. They are out-takes from the old Siskel and Ebert Show. If you're a fan (that'd be you, Jen), you will enjoy. The first is quite long, but all are worthy. The two obviously had a love/hate (with quite the emphasis on hate) relationship back in the 80s. Ebert constantly chastises Siskel for his poor enunciation and his inability to up the energy quotient, while Siskel resorts to fat jokes. It makes me wonder if Roepert is spared Ebert's wrath, and vice versa?
Ahh, they were an amazing couple. In these clips neither really seems to take it to heart, they're like Ray's parents on Everybody Loves Raymond! That certainly was the fun of the show though. And still is really, Roeper holds his own...
Jen, at 5/20/2006 8:02 AM
Ebert and Roeper get along famously because Ebert has transformed into an elitist, as much a part of the world he covers has he could ever have wanted. Jackass.
Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 8:22 PM
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Anonymous, at 6/26/2006 5:49 PM
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