the gates, knitting and being mrs. cook
Hey Everyone! i love all the comments i'm getting from my silliness, not to go all sally field on you. the oscars were a pretty hot topic!
so now for an update on my total body makeover. the awful truth is that as of last saturday (day 6 of 84) i'd GAINED two pounds. this horrified me as i have stuck to the plan to the letter. thomas swears that it's because i'm building muscle. since dr. robert (the preacher that married us) advised that based on thomas's personality type (he's a lion and i'm a golden retriever) thomas is "probably right", i'm going to believe him on this one. it helps that my clothes are feeling a little looser too;). i haven't weighed again since saturday and don't plan to for a few weeks as i don't want to get depressed. so there's the awful truth - i promised to be honest!
i have worked out like a demon these past 11 days and it's started getting a little easier, particularly with the weights and sit ups. i hear rumors that this means that you should increase the weight you're lifting, but i plan on increasing reps instead. the thought of hefting 5 more pounds thru all these reps gives me nitemares. i am now riding the bike for 33 minutes/day at a heart rate of 145. this burned 252 calories this morning. last saturday i had to ride it for 60 minutes at a heartrate of 124. this saturday i ride for 64 minutes at hr of 124. such is the sadistic nature of the program. anyway, 74 more days and my 12 weeks are done. that should get me in fighting shape just in time for summer.
in more exciting news, thomas and i go to glenwood springs this wkend to celebrate our anniversary - it's one year as of this sunday! this year has been so full and has gone by so fast but i have to admit i love being mrs. thomas archie cook, jr. we're returning to glenwood to stay at hotel colorado. he took me there a few years ago on the train (highly recommended) for my birthday and we had a ball. everyone who works there is convinced the hotel is haunted. it's been around since the late 1800s and was a popular destination for teddy roosevelt during his presidency. there is definitely an eery feel there when you're walking the halls late at nite to your room. quirky does not begin to describe the entire experience tho. the hotel is right next door to the hot springs which are HUGE! a dip in them makes your skin and hair feel amazingly soft. doc holliday spent his last days there and he's buried nearby (doc is a 2nd cousin to margaret mitchell, author of gone with the wind - this is one of the shockingly true facts i learned on my gwtw catfish tour in atlanta). so there's some kind of symmetry to this whole deal. here's the website for the hotel if you're interested in visiting or learning more of its history:
on the crafts front, i've started knitting my second scarf. this one is for thomas and is gray and ribbed. i met larissa for dinner and knitting on tuesday and she taught me how to switch between knitting and purling. for each row, you knit two stitches, purl two stitches, etc. it's quite complicated but i'm getting the hang of it. i've completed about 20 rows now. switching stitches like this has helped me to id the difference between a knit and a purl. a knit looks like a little stick figure hanging upside down from a noose and a purl looks like a dancer with his left hand out. trust me, if you take up knitting this will make sense. larissa promises that if i keep this up, i'll be knitting myself a tank top by summer. now i'll have somthing besides movies to discuss should i ever meet julia or catherine z jones (both part of the exclusive knitting circle).
on the entertainment front, hbo fans will be thrilled to hear the series deadwood returns this sunday. as everyone notes, the show is extremely profane, but the cast and writing make it worth it - it equals hbo's the wire as the best series on tv anywhere (except for maybe gilmore girls).
i got a piece of good news from cyd, who now lives in new york city. i've been entralled with the gates exhibition there in central park. unfortunately they took it down last wkend, so i didn't get to see it live, but cyd did manage to secure me a piece of the saffron fabric (now i'll always know what color saffron is - osu orange basically). i can't wait to get this in my hot little hands, tho cyd's credibility is a little shady. i still recall when she went to nyc a few yrs ago and i begged her to get me a free winona t shirt - this was during winona ryder's horrifying trial for shoplifting - and cyd forgot! hopefully my swatch of saffron fabric will not suffer a similar fate. i'll take a pic of it and post it when i have it in hand.
so now for an update on my total body makeover. the awful truth is that as of last saturday (day 6 of 84) i'd GAINED two pounds. this horrified me as i have stuck to the plan to the letter. thomas swears that it's because i'm building muscle. since dr. robert (the preacher that married us) advised that based on thomas's personality type (he's a lion and i'm a golden retriever) thomas is "probably right", i'm going to believe him on this one. it helps that my clothes are feeling a little looser too;). i haven't weighed again since saturday and don't plan to for a few weeks as i don't want to get depressed. so there's the awful truth - i promised to be honest!
i have worked out like a demon these past 11 days and it's started getting a little easier, particularly with the weights and sit ups. i hear rumors that this means that you should increase the weight you're lifting, but i plan on increasing reps instead. the thought of hefting 5 more pounds thru all these reps gives me nitemares. i am now riding the bike for 33 minutes/day at a heart rate of 145. this burned 252 calories this morning. last saturday i had to ride it for 60 minutes at a heartrate of 124. this saturday i ride for 64 minutes at hr of 124. such is the sadistic nature of the program. anyway, 74 more days and my 12 weeks are done. that should get me in fighting shape just in time for summer.
in more exciting news, thomas and i go to glenwood springs this wkend to celebrate our anniversary - it's one year as of this sunday! this year has been so full and has gone by so fast but i have to admit i love being mrs. thomas archie cook, jr. we're returning to glenwood to stay at hotel colorado. he took me there a few years ago on the train (highly recommended) for my birthday and we had a ball. everyone who works there is convinced the hotel is haunted. it's been around since the late 1800s and was a popular destination for teddy roosevelt during his presidency. there is definitely an eery feel there when you're walking the halls late at nite to your room. quirky does not begin to describe the entire experience tho. the hotel is right next door to the hot springs which are HUGE! a dip in them makes your skin and hair feel amazingly soft. doc holliday spent his last days there and he's buried nearby (doc is a 2nd cousin to margaret mitchell, author of gone with the wind - this is one of the shockingly true facts i learned on my gwtw catfish tour in atlanta). so there's some kind of symmetry to this whole deal. here's the website for the hotel if you're interested in visiting or learning more of its history:
on the crafts front, i've started knitting my second scarf. this one is for thomas and is gray and ribbed. i met larissa for dinner and knitting on tuesday and she taught me how to switch between knitting and purling. for each row, you knit two stitches, purl two stitches, etc. it's quite complicated but i'm getting the hang of it. i've completed about 20 rows now. switching stitches like this has helped me to id the difference between a knit and a purl. a knit looks like a little stick figure hanging upside down from a noose and a purl looks like a dancer with his left hand out. trust me, if you take up knitting this will make sense. larissa promises that if i keep this up, i'll be knitting myself a tank top by summer. now i'll have somthing besides movies to discuss should i ever meet julia or catherine z jones (both part of the exclusive knitting circle).
on the entertainment front, hbo fans will be thrilled to hear the series deadwood returns this sunday. as everyone notes, the show is extremely profane, but the cast and writing make it worth it - it equals hbo's the wire as the best series on tv anywhere (except for maybe gilmore girls).
i got a piece of good news from cyd, who now lives in new york city. i've been entralled with the gates exhibition there in central park. unfortunately they took it down last wkend, so i didn't get to see it live, but cyd did manage to secure me a piece of the saffron fabric (now i'll always know what color saffron is - osu orange basically). i can't wait to get this in my hot little hands, tho cyd's credibility is a little shady. i still recall when she went to nyc a few yrs ago and i begged her to get me a free winona t shirt - this was during winona ryder's horrifying trial for shoplifting - and cyd forgot! hopefully my swatch of saffron fabric will not suffer a similar fate. i'll take a pic of it and post it when i have it in hand.
ye of little faith. keep questioning my credibility and the little swatch is ending up on ebay!!! -cyd
Anonymous, at 3/05/2005 5:12 AM
Thomas is rigth - you're building muscle. You'll be a lean, mean Oprah watching machine before you know it. Keep it up - remember, you have to gain a little weight before you can begin losing it healthily. I recommend having you body mass index taken (you can get this done at most spas and gyms) and then get it taken every two weeks or so. Rather than clocking weight, it tells you how your body fat percentage. When I was doing my monitored work-outs, this is the way we kept track. It's a much better indicator. Ciao...
Anonymous, at 3/08/2005 2:01 PM
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