Sunday's Guide to the Galaxy

Monday, June 27, 2005

Woebegone No More

Hey Everyone! Last week I did something I've always wanted to do. I went to hear A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. Luckily for me, Tracy was on the ball with this as she's a member of the Botanic Gardens in Denver. It was the perfect place to hear him and the perfect night. We sat outside on a blanket, brought a picnic and bottle of wine and saw how the radio show is done. Tracy is from Minnesota so seeing Keillor live was a lifelong goal of hers. We can both attest that it was well worth it!

I must admit that I have a love/hate relationship with public radio. I NEVER listened to it before 9/11, but once that happened I turned to them for their constant coverage and got hooked. My favorite program is This American Life with Ira Glass (I love his voice and commentary, though I know it drives some people crazy - yeah, that'd be you, Larissa;). I also try to catch at least part of Prairie Home Companion - and now that I've seen the performers and how it's done, I'm looking forward to doing this more often. I enjoy some interviews that Terry Gross does, though she can really annoy me with her holier than thou schtick. And then there's Car Talk. It always seems to be on on the weekends so I'm forced to listen to a question or two. Click and Clack are very funny and one day I'm going to try my luck and place a call. My 96 Saab always smells strongly of gasoline in the summer. I've had this checked twice and no one can diagnose the problem, and given that I'll have to endure it during the 5 hr drive to Creede this wkend, it's weighing heavily on my mind. So they're my last hope.

The NPR programs I hate are Hearts of Space this trippy music show that's on Saturday AND Sunday nite - Thomas likes it, unfortunately, and What Do You Know with Michael Feldman. I detest him and his smugness.

But anyway, back to Keillor. I wasn't sure what to expect. I've seen pictures of him before and I've read a few columns he wrote for Time magazine, but as Tracy noted he was very quirky in person. He wore a tuxedo with a red bowtie and red socks and red tennis shoes. Somehow it worked for him. The rest of the cast was a four or five piece band, a lady who's been doing the show with him for 30 years who sang and read all the female parts and this crazy voice guy who could make any noise imaginable. I always imagined there were a lot more people putting on this show. The Guy Noir segment was a particular favorite of mine that night. The crowd was definitely the oldest concert crowd I've ever been a part of. There were lots of aging hippies, and lots of people even older. There were young couples with kids and babies. It was the kind of show where one little girl spent most of the night alone dancing up front and sitting on the steps of the stage. She was dressed in a poncho and galoshes and I'm certain a career as a gogo girl is in her future. Just another part of the entertainment. Keillor's voice is so deep and so calming that I could have listened to it forever. The entire experience was like going back in time. If he's ever in your neck of the woods, I highly recommend it.

Oddly enough, I heard there was a movie version coming out (that was the reasoning given for Lindsay Lohan's newly blonde hair - she's playing Meryl Streep's daughter in it). I didn't see how this would work, but just checked IMDB and found that it's in pre-production and being directed by Robert Altman. The plot summary is: "A look at what goes on backstage during the last broadcast of America's most celebrated radio show, where singing cowboys Dusty and Lefty, a country music siren (Streep), and a host of others hold court." Hmm. I'm a pretty big Altman fan, so this could be interesting. If you didn't catch Gosford Park that he did a year or two ago, it's a must-see. His best in years.

Now if I could just get Ira Glass back to Boulder.....

Boulder Bumpersticker of the Day: My other car is a pair of boots.


p.s. The photo at the top has nada to do with NPR. It's Thomas in Ruby driving down the Plan B driveway. Can't wait to do that in the snow! I posted the pic to try the new image-posting functionality in Blogger. It is ten BILLION times easier now! So if you're thinking of joining the bloggeratti, the last roadblock has officially been removed.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Frankly my dear, why do I give a damn?

Hey Everyone! So the AFI came out with there top 100 movie quotes this week - they've been coming out with these type of lists for a few years now and it's a great idea. It's generated lots of publicity and has gotten people talking about movies. There's the expected outrage over the subjective placement of certain films and films that have been left off entirely. But overall, I think it's a good thing. If it gets old movies exposure, maybe more people will see them and maybe somehow it will inspire future filmmakers and we'll be rewarded with better movies. A girl can hope. I was fairly pleased with the list of top 100 movie quotes. They ranged from the sublime (Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn - #1 mind you) to the banal (I'm king of the world at #100). The top 13 in particular are all stellar.

The ranking of everything in between seems pretty random. The movie with the best dialogue that was not adapted from a book is easily Casablanca. If I ordered this list, it would be extremely tough for me not to put line after line at the top of the list. Something magical happened on that set, as that's where most of the lines were written by the Epstein brothers, Howard Koch and a myriad of other contributors. Instead they're scattered throughout the list. The most annoying placement for me is my fav: “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine,” ranked #67, compared to "I see dead people" from Sixth Sense coming in at #44. How does that make any sense?

Lines from many of my favorite movies were left out all together. Here are a several I compiled with the help of IMDB:

  • Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease. Samantha Baker, Sixteen Candles
  • Would you stop feeling sorry for yourself? It's bad for your complexion! Randy, Sixteen Candles
  • I loathe the bus. There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation. Samantha Baker, Sixteen Candles
  • Life is not whatnot, and it's none of your business. Samantha Baker, Sixteen Candles
  • What was he wearing? Well, uh, let's see, he was wearing a red argyle sweater, and tan trousers, and red shoes... No, he's not retarded. Grandpa Howard, Sixteen Candles
  • I can't believe this. They f***ing forgot my birthday. Samantha Baker, Sixteen Candles (This line almost led to an extremely tragic event in the Kurtz household. For some reason I didn't see this movie at the show (maybe it was because we only had a two screen Tivoli back then and it didn't make it to Ardmore). Whatever the reason, it was one of the first movies I got to rent with my first fav appliance, the VCR , replaced by my current favorite and far superior appliance, the Replayer. Anyway, this line was uttered near the beginning of the movie and as luck would have it my dad was somewhere in the vicinity. When he heard that most terrible of curses, he threatened to stop the movie. This resulted in utter terror from me and a dramatic pleading like none ever delivered in our household. I felt my very life was on the line. As miracles would have it, my mom came to the rescue on this one and the movie was saved. Whew. I would certainly be a different person had I not seen this movie in junior high. Besides, little did my dad know that the inmates at the juvenile detention center masquerading as Dickson Junior High bombarded the populace daily with far worse language.)
  • Did you hear that? That's the story I just wrote. Yes, yes, I know we had a bargain. I just said I'd write it, I didn't say I wouldn't tear it up! It's all in little pieces now, Walter, and I hope to do the same for you some day! And that, my friends, is my farewell to the newspaper business. Hildy, His Girl Friday
  • Diabetes! I should've known better than to hire somebody with a disease. Walter Burns, His Girl Friday
  • I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED. Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good. Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction
  • I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way. Jules, Pulp Fiction
  • Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true? Vincent, Pulp Fiction
  • Well we'd have to be talkin' about one charmin' motherf***in' pig. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'? Jules, Pulp Fiction
  • Harry Lime's cukoo clock quote from my previous blog entry
  • Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die. Inigo Montoya, Princess Bride
  • Is this a kissing book? Grandson, Princess Bride
  • Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while. Westley, Princess Bride
  • Am I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic land mass. Vizzini, Princess Bride
  • As you wish. Westley, Princess Bride
  • I thought all writers drank to excess and beat their wives. You know one time I secretly wanted to be a writer. Dex, Philadelphia Story
  • This story's gonna grab people. It's about this guy, he's crazy about this girl, but he likes to wear dresses. Should he tell her? Should he not tell her? He's torn, Georgie. This is drama. Ed Wood, Ed Wood
  • Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams? Orson Welles, Ed Wood
  • This is the most uncomfortable coffin I've ever been in. Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood
  • Bunny? We're making another movie! Yes. I got the Baptist Church of Beverly Hills to put up the cash! Ed Wood, Ed Wood
  • The secret, I don't know... I guess you've just gotta find something you love to do and then... do it for the rest of your life. For me, it's going to Rushmore. Max Fischer, Rushmore
  • I saved Latin. What did you ever do? Max Fischer, Rushmore
  • Dr. Guggenheim, I don't want to tell you how to do your job. But the fact is, no matter how hard I try, I still might flunk another class. If that means I have to stay on for a post-graduate year, so be it... Max Fischer, Rushmore
  • All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people. Alexander Bullock, My Man Godfrey
  • You mustn't come between Irene and Godfrey. He's the first thing she's shown any affection for since her pomeranian died. Angelica Bullock, My Man Godfrey
  • I went to Venice, and one night I went for a ride in one of those rowboats that the man pushes with a stick. Not a matador. That was in Spain. But something like a matador. Irene, My Man Godfrey
  • Godfrey loves me! He put me in the shower! Irene, My Man Godfrey
  • Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth. Rufus T. Firefly, Duck Soup
  • Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honour, which is probably more than she ever did. Rufus T. Firefly, Duck Soup
  • I'll see my lawyer about this as soon as he graduates from law school. Rufus T. Firefly, Duck Soup
  • You think you've raised hell. Verna, Miller's Crossing
  • Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it! Tom Reagan, Miller's Crossing
  • Nothing more foolish than a man chasin' his hat. Tom Reagan, Miller's Crossing
  • Oh, Nicky, I love you because you know such lovely people. Nora Charles, The Thin Man
  • How'd you like Grant's tomb? Nick Charles, The Thin Man
  • It's lovely. I'm having a copy made for you. Nora Charles, The Thin Man
  • Oh, it's alright, Joe. It's alright. It's my dog. And uh, my wife. Nick Charles, The Thin Man
  • Well you might have mentioned me first on the billing. Nora Charles, The Thin Man
  • You know, that sounds like an interesting case. Why don't you take it? Nora Charles, The Thin Man
  • I haven't the time. I'm much too busy seeing that you don't lose any of the money I married you for. Nick Charles, The Thin Man

There are millions of others I love as well, but tempus fugit. After all, tomorrow is another day.


Friday, June 17, 2005

The Muggles are Coming! The Muggles are Coming!

Hey everyone! I was in Borders today and right in front of me was some wonderful news. They had a big poster for the new Harry Potter book out and noted that there are only 30 days left until it's released! This could not be more welcome news, as I've been in a bit of a reading duldroms of late. The bad news is that it was my intent to re-read books 4 and 5 before starting on my pre-ordered copy of The Half-bood Prince on July 17. Books 4 and 5 probably add up to 1000 pages, so I don't know how it'll be possible with my current 9 hour sleep schedule. If only I could be one of those 5 hr/nite people! Book 3 has been my favorite so far, and I just rewatched the movie on HBO. It is by far the best of the series, partly because the material is better but mostly because they changed from Chris Columbus to Alfonso Cuaron who directed one of my fav Gwyneth movies, Great Expectations. Cuaron didn't dumb down the material like Columbus did. It's like the difference between Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith. One is for the kiddies and one is enjoyed by all.

In other news, I see TomKat are engaged - wow one DAY after the release of Batman. That's great timing! All I can say is poor Chistian Bale. I've loved him since Empire of the Sun and he, Mr. Batman himself, is being totally neglected during the TomKat madness. Thomas and I are going to see Batman Begins this weekend, and I for one will be there to see Bale and not Holmes. The reviews are spectacular so I'm really looking forward to it.

I have managed to catch a few movies recently.

  • The easy best is Crash. It has a big ensemble cast (Sandra Bullock, Thandie Newton, Matt Dillon and Don Cheadle to name just a few) and is about the clash of cultures and races one weekend in LA. There are no riots or anything like that - instead it's told on a much more personal level. Characters' judgements, first impressions, etc., and the story/director provide motivations for it all. It is a fabulous movie and it's not depressing but it is extremely moving, particularly one scene between Dillon and Newton. V Powerful! Rating: Nightime movie

  • Next is Howl's Moving Castle, the latest anime from Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki - the guy that did Princess Mononoke. I'm not a huge fan of anime, but I love Miyazaki's movies. This one is different in that it's based off an English author's children's book so the setting is in Europe rather than Asia. I also loved the setting - it's a world where magic and witches exist but are pretty much feared, but we learn that there are good and bad magicians. Anyway, the protagonist has a spell cast on her that turns her into an old woman so she joins up with Howl the magician and his posse and tries to find her way out of the spell. It's very creative and I enjoyed every minute. I'm making this sound like a kid's movie, but trust me it's not just for them (but the kids in the audience did love it). Rating: Matinee

  • Last weekend I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Brangelina have oodles of chemistry - this is apparent from the very first scene when they're in a marriage counselor's office. I really loved the scenes with the two of them and the humor - Pitt especially is really funny, which surprised me for some reason. There was a little too much focus on the extreme action scenes and gadgets for my taste, but the movie was fun to watch and you have to love the eye candy and all the scenes with scene stealer, Vince Vaughn. Rating: Matinee.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I Want My MTV Movie Awards

Hey everyone! So because I am dedicated to providing you all entertainment news, I decided to watch the MTV Movie Awards last weekend. I have doubts that anyone reading this site did the same, and I know you're all dying to know what you missed. Each year, the MTV Movie Awards are my third favorite movie awards (Golden Globes, Oscars, then MTV). Actually, I only watch these three. I just can't get around to watching the SAGs. But seriously, who needs Oscar categories like Best Cinematography and Best Sound Editing when you can see Best Action Sequence and Best Kiss instead?? As long as the MTV Movie Awards are replayed so you can skip the billion commercials, promotional bits, and annoying musical performances (Mariah Carey AND Eminem), they only take about an hour to watch. And it was worth it to me just to see what everyone was wearing.

There are two rules for these awards: 1) no one over 30 should attend and 2) no one should be too dressed up. Nicole Kidman violated both of these rules, so she goes on the bad list. She arrived in a little black dress more suited to a UN cocktail party. Not sure what her stylist was thinking. Sandra Bullock only violated the first rule, but her version of dressing down was hideous enough for me to name her worst dressed of the whole entire shebang; however, I must admit her comedy bit with Jimmy Fallon was one of the funnier moments. The Actress formerly known as Linsdsay Lohan was overdressed and the color of her gown did nothing to complement her coloring. She was named best actress for Mean Girls though, beating out Hilary Swank. That's the kind of awards these were - they're voted on by the fans. A group I really don't understand based on the other winners. Lindsay's speech was particulary horrible, I'd say the worst one given... and that's saying something. She officially cemented her rep as an airhead. It says something when little Dakota Fanning (who won for Most Frightened Performance) is much more eloquent and level-headed that Lohan.

Now for best dressed.
  • Best Dressed over 30: Jennifer Connely. She looked great in Jeans and a cool blazer. Her jocular teleprompter-reading ability needs some work though. I think we know now why she hasn't appeard in a comedy since Career Opportunities.
  • Best Dressed but a little too Dressy: A tie on this one between Nicole Richie and Jessica Alba. Nicole with rapper Fat Joe also had the job of interviewing celebs as they arrived for the show. Let's get this girl out of the Simple Life and give her her own talk show. She is really funny and her intent seems to be to just ask people questions that make them uncomfortable. So great for the schadenfreudish among us
  • Best Dressed, Dressed Down: Rachel McAdams. I'm sure you're saying who? But she, and not Lohan, was the true star of the night with 3 awards: Best Villian, Best Breakout Performance, and Best Kiss (more on that later). She struck the perfect note in a bustier style top and great jeans.

The big news that the media picked up from these awards was Katie Holmes' presentation of the first ever Generational Award to her new love, Tom Cruise (or as they're called these days, TomKat). Katie paid homage to Tom's Oprah performance, though she did not seem as deranged as he did, just insincere. And I heard she just passed up the new Edie Sedgwick bio, Factory Girl. All I have to say is Thank God! Maybe they'll give the role back to Sienna Miller. But in doing so ,maybe Katie is well on her way to deranged, or at least halfway thru her Scientology conversion. All in all it was pretty gross and Tom's quest to endear himself to today's MTV kids is pure disaster so far. I can only imagine what poor Steven Spielberg must be doing right now.

Unfortunately for TomKat, they were preceded by the highlight of the night, so by the time they got on stage it was even more of a letdown. And what was that highlight? The award for Best Kiss - my favorite category and one I think the Oscars should consider adding. And the winner was.... Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams from The Notebook! I was just telling Jen this weekend that she HAD to rent The Notebook. It is by far the most romantic movie released in ages, probably since The End of the Affair and that was years ago. It was so good, even Thomas liked it and he didn't expect to. Anyway, Ryan and Rachel accepted the award by recreating their kiss in a very dramatic, but slightly humourous fashion. Let's just say, this non-couple had oodles more chemistry than TomKat. I'm sure you'll have a zillion opportunities to catch the award and the whole show as MTV replays these things for months. Tho he was a former musketeer with Justin, Britney and Christina, Gosling has officially outgrown the pack and has IT- something of Paul Newman's cool, laidback charisma about him. And if you haven't seen him in the movie, The Believer, you should rent it as well. The guy can act. Rachel McAdams on the other hand is a chameleon. When I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Jen this wkend, there was a new preview for a movie called Red Eye. The girl looked really familiar, but I could not place her. Turns out that was Rachel. She'll be in the upcoming Wedding Crashers with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaugh as well, lucky girl. McAdams was also the meanest girl in Mean Girls and the hot chick in The Hot Chick (which I thankfully did not see). Anyway, the takeaway from all of this is RENT THE NOTEBOOK!

Taking another trip down memory lane, MTV honored the 20th anniversary of The Breakfast Club. Molly, Ally and Anthony all showed to accept. It was a bittersweet moment for me. In more alarming news, Molly announced that she has agreed to make a sequel to Sixteen Candles! I think she needs to forever be blowing out those 16 birthday candles with Jake Ryan. How can this endeavor not fail to disappoint, and how can I not watch??? Quelle horror!

And finally, what won best movie? Napoleon Dynamite. I saw it and it was okay. Too intentionally weird for me though and I just cannot believe that the same voters who loved Mean Girls loved this film that much. But Leo DiCaprio's much deserved win for Best Actor in The Aviator (take that Oscars!) made it all okay in the end.


Boulder Bumpersticker of the Day: Native Earthling

p.s. I just got my haircut yesterday by an old Swiss lady who really thinks Michael Jackson was given a bad rap and is thrilled beyond belief that he was cleared. I managed to keep quiet for fear she would butcher me. I guess I now understand the origination of the cukoo clock. Or to quote Harry Lime: In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock ..."

OK, I agree. A bit of a non sequitur, but anytime I think cukoo I think The Third Man. A must add to that netflix queue.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Need for Creede

Hey Everyone! Well, Memorial Day has come and gone and it was a wonderful one for us. Thomas and I went to Creede for 4 days. My parents arrived for the summer about a week earlier and Thomas's dad also made the trip. It was the most relaxing and enjoyable trip imaginable. The weather was absolutely perfect! Town was not too busy given that it was Memorial Day though. They were supposed to have Taste of Creede where all the shops have outdoor booths and sell samples of their wares. Mom, Dad and I went in on Sunday for it and though there was a live band on Main Street, the only shop to partake in Taste of Creede was the Firehouse. This is one of the quirks of Creede - you never know what to expect. We did get to see a good bit of the artists' paintoff though. Local artists paint a picture in an hour and then an auction is held. The other big news is that the quickly melting snow has caused all sorts of trouble for the town flume and they had all these bulldozers digging up the creek. This was a rock hound's dream! My dad was extremely excited and he and my mom found rocks with huge chunks of amethyst and small veins of gold in them. I could not believe it!

Thomas and I were thrilled to see the progress made on our little cabin at Plan B. The cabinets and countertop that we picked out have been installed as have the fir wood floors in the main room. The floors especially are gorgeous! The cabin really looks amazing now - it's hard to believe it's the same one as last summer. The only things left to do are put in the kitchen and bathroom floors and this should happen soon. Thomas should have pics up on his site soon. We've also started getting some basic furniture put in it. Thomas and Tom went to Alamosa on Sunday and got a great pullout couch. It was a miracle as everything in the valley is closed on Sunday, but they did a great job. They also got some chairs for the kitchen table. The cabin is definitely ready for occupation. And just in time, since Tom and Marlene and Allison and Jess are all coming for the 4th. I can't wait!

I completed my cooking lessons right before we went to Creede. In the last lesson, we made Steamed Mussels, Braised Pork Roast, Sautéed Potatoes, Braised Leeks, and chocolate mousse. Braising was the main technique we were taught - it basically means cooking something in a sauce that goes halfway up the item. This was a pretty complicated lesson but the results were delicious! I'll definitely be trying the mousse and pork roast. I cooked a dinner for everyone in Creede on Sunday night and it turned out pretty well. Everyone especially enjoyed the roasted veggies and chocolate caramel custard. Thomas gets credit for grilling the steaks and my mom gets HUGE credit for teaching me all sorts of additional tricks and preventing me from burning every single thing I cooked! The next morning I made my buttermilk biscuits and they were a big success, especially with my dad. He kept asking for time!

Before Thomas and I left we spent about an hour on the hill on top of our land at Plan B. The views there are just unbelievable and it's so quiet. The place definitely strikes my internal tuning fork, but Creede has always done that for me and my family. It's one of those places you either get or you don't. I'm so happy that I've been able to partially grow up there and know that I'll always have a piece of it.

Ok, in entertainment news, girls you have to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It's the worst title ever (based on a young adult book I read a few yrs ago - I now am excited to read all the sequels), but it is a wonderful movie about friendship and has great performances. Plus it stars Rory Gilmore and Joan of Arcadia. I always knew they'd be friends. Guys, you'll probably find it a bit too treacly (or at least you'll pretend you do). On my rating scale, this one warrants a Matinee.

Next time, that long ago promised wrap up of the Spring TV season. I just can't believe Deadwood's already gone!
