Golden Globes

Hey everyone! My favorite awards show of the year was Monday night, The Golden Globes, and they did not disappoint me too much. I got a late start on them and expected to only watch 20 min or so that night and save the rest for the next day. Instead I was up until midnite - they were just too addictive. How 80 foreign journalists manage to consistently produce a more entertaining show every year than the Oscars is amazingly inexplicable, but it sure does happen. Some of my picks were left off - Joan Allen, in particular. She should have so been nominated for Upside of Anger, but they did a pretty good job. Now for the results.
Here's what made me happy:
- Sandra Oh's win for Grey's Anatomy
- Steve Carell's win for The Office
- Mary-Louise Parker's win for Weeds, a show I did not see, but Desperate Housewives is so undeserving and thanks to it worthy people like Lauren Graham of Gilmore Girls, Ed's ex-wife played by Jaime Pressly, and Pam from The Office were not even on the ballot
- Hugh Laurie's win for House
- Lost's win for best drama (tho I would probably have been a little more happy had Rome won)
- Joaquin Phoenix's win for Walk the Line
- Reese Witherspoon's win for Walk the Line
- Walk the Line's win for Best Musical or Comedy
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman's win for Capote
- The fact that Maria Bello did not win for History of Violence so that horrid, horrid film received no awards (it's my 2nd to last film of the year, better only than the even more horrid Edmund starring William H. Macy. At least we had Viggo to look at in History).
- Larry McMurtry's win for Screenwriting - I'll always love him for Lonesome Dove, so this is really what I'm happy about. One issue I do have is the whole original vs. adapted screenplay. The Oscars do one thing right -they separate the two into two categories. This wasn't the case with the GGs. Since they're all lumped in an original screenplay (like Crash) should have won. But still, props to Larry and his Hermes typewriter.
Here's what made me mad:
- Paul Newman's win for Empire Falls. That they lump actors from mini-series in with those from full on series is a total injustice to me. Newman was great as always in Empire, but he wasn't even there to pick up his award. I could never get as an attached to a mini-series character as I can to a regular series one. This was Naveen Andrews's year!
- Desperate Housewives's win for Best TV Comedy - The Office and Earl are so much more deserving. It's infuriating.
- Geena Davis's win for Best Actress in a TV Drama - Polly Walker's Attia was a joy to watch on Rome.
- George Clooney's win for Best Supporting Actor in Syriana. First, wasn't he supposed to be the lead actor of that movie? Competition must have seemed a bit too thick in that category for him. Second, he and everything else about the moviee sucked. I think I'll officially award it my third worst movie of the year. Matt Dillon was so robbed!
There are still so many of this year's nominees that I haven't seen that I just don't know what to think about most of the other winners. I'm bound and determined to adore Woody's Match Point. He is consistently one of my fave directors, and though the preview looks nada like a Woody Allen movie, I'll be in the first showing should it ever come to Boulder. There is, however, a good chance I'll finally see The Squid and the Whale this wkend if the Landmark Theatre gods are smiling on me. It's another I have penciled in in my Top 5 of 2005 list. But for now I don't have much to root in the Best Picture and Actor/Actress categories. Hopefully this will be remedied by Oscar time.
Now for The Sundays:
Best Dressed: Keira Knightley - absolutely flawless in vintage Valentino. Shoulders to die for.
Honorable Mention: Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Eva Longoria
Worst Dressed: Drew Barrymore - she can do sooooo much better
Honorable Mention: Rachel Weisz (scary hair and makeup too), Geena Davis (you aren't winning for Thelma - this is 2006), and Reese Witherspoon (to make matters worse her vintage Chanel - the exact same dress, like it had to be dry-cleaned - was previously worn to a GG after party by Kirsten Dunst), and of course our old standby Mariah Carey
Best Hair: Maria Bello - the gardenias in her casual updo were gorgeous and Mary-Louise Parker. She just has great hair (worn in a low ponytail to the side and also adorned with gardenias) and a beautiful face. Plus I'll always love her for Fried Green Tomatoes.
Best Back: Hillary Swank - her dress was pretty normal from the front but showed off her amazing back in a spectacular way. She definitely has the best back in the biz.
Best Speech: Geena Davis - I do not think she deserved the award, but after hearing her speech I was happy she got it. Her mensa abilities were put to good use.
Honorable Mention: Hugh Laurie (gotta love the Brit wit) and Steve Carrel's speech that was supposedly written by his wife
Worst Speech: Jonathon Rhys Meyers - the boy was both nervous and boring. A fatal combination.
Happiest Winner: Sandra Oh - utterly bubbly and adorable
Meanest Intro: Chris Rock's impromptu comments about how he feels bad for Mary-Louise Parker because no one watches her show. Okay, I'm one of the no-watchers but it's not my fault we don't have Showtime. And Weeds is on my netflix queue!
Most Suspicious No-show: Lindsay Lohan - she was supposed to be presenting with the new Superman. Instead the deplorable Terri Hatcher had to fill in. Why, you crazy foreign journalists, why??
Most Horrifying Couple: Nicollette Sheridan (looking quite good though, I must say) and Michael Bolton - they're back together. This cannot mean good things for the listening public. Any day now he'll be ruining another good Percy Sledge song. But at least he cut his hair.
Most Immature Audience Member: Ryan Phillipe (husband of Reese). When Joaquin Phoenix won and was onstage, the camera kept panning to Phillipe as he jumped up and yelled, "You owe me money, you lost the bet." Sorry dude, but it's so not your moment.
That's it for this year's Golden Globes. Next up: my Oscar picks.
Do these crazy foreigners even watch HBO? Where is
Al Swearengen, and Attia?!?!
Thomas Cook, at 1/20/2006 9:13 PM
Sunday - your silence about the Oscars is very suspicious. Are you still hung over? Are you nervous about posting your doubts about Jake-n-Maggie's "relationship"? Did Keira Knightley look too "uppity" - that's just her face Sunday, she can't help it! Are you jealous I CALLED BEST PICTURE LAST OCTOBER?!? All I can say is, Sunday, this better be good. (sorry. i'm a little drunk)
Joe Miller, at 3/17/2006 9:47 PM
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