Boulder Bumpersticker of the Day
Hey Everyone! living in boulder, you get to see a lot of bumper stickers as you're stuck in traffic. given that boulder is home to many radical yet creative people, these either make me laugh, shake my head, make me angry, or just leave me confused. so i'm going to share the wealth and publish a few periodically. driving back from lunch today i saw one that left me confused. perhaps someone more technical could decypher this for me: <\Bush>. i'll be waiting with baited breath.
in other news, in the past two weeks i've read a couple of books i really enjoyed. the first was little children by tom perrotta. i've never read anything by him before, but he's best known for writing the book election that led to the movie starring matthew broderick and reese witherspoon. little children was not the typical book for me as i didn't really like any of three protagonists: a woman stuck in a loveless marriage raising a toddler, a mr. mom who wants to avoid taking the bar exam and instead relive his days as a star football player, and a pedophile. the book is basically a commentary on modernday suburbia, but it's pretty witty if a little depressing.
the next book i read was prep by curtis sittenfeld (curtis is a girl). it's about the four years a girl named lee spends at ault, an exclusive prep school in the northeast. lee is a middle class girl who was a star back in indiana, but is completely overshadowed at ault. she is so self conscious it's almost painful to read. reviews have compared prep to catcher in the rye, probably because there's not a ton of plot and most of the drama takes place in lee's head. she takes passivity to a whole new level. prep is set in the early 90s, but it does have a pretty timeless quality about it. the book is too long, but it's still a page turner and definitely rings true. once again tho, the protagonist is not really that likable. lee is the cause of most of her own problems. i'm a sucker for books like this tho.
i'm now reading the plot against america by philip roth. it's an alternative view of history - lindbergh beats roosevelt for president in 1940 and as a result the US makes an alliance with hitler. i'm only about 50 pages into it, but i'm close to giving up. the story is told by a 7 yr old boy and is too packed with minutae for me so far. i'm going to give it another 50 pages before making this decision. i've only read one other book by roth, deception. it's all dialogue so that intrigued me. but the reviews for plot were so great that i had to try it. i'll let you know if i stick with it or not. if anyone has any recs for me, pls let me know. my mom just read a man in full by tom wolfe and raved about it, so maybe that'll be next.
still haven't watched deadwood. i think we'll save it for saturday morning. my fav new show is shockingly on fox - and no it's not the bane of tv american idol - it's House! if you haven't seen this you have to watch it. house is played by the fabulous hugh laurie. he is sooooooooo funny. the dialogue is so hilarious that you don't even care what the ailment of the week is on this medical show. i could listen to this guy read the white pages and be amused. i highly recommend it - tuesday's at 8 on fox. the rest of the cast is good too. the writers are big on character development, unlike some of these other shows (yes, medical investigation - i'm talking about you).
as for my total body makeover, i'm still at it. this is week 3 and i have 67 days left! i stuck with all the exercise over my long wkend in glenwood springs - except for monday. i totally skipped that day. i was back at it tho on tuesday and am now riding the bike 35 min/day. this morning i burned 262 calories. you get 3 occasions over the 12 wks when you get to drink alcohol - i used up my first this wkend drinking wine and champagne. i also ate a few bites of cake, icing and an ice cream bar. but that's all the sugar i've had since i started. i haven't weighed again (maybe i will next monday) but i do think i've lost some weight in my stomach. my jeans are definitely looser there. i'm also able to lift a little more weight without collapsing on the floor in tears. this is a good thing. my dad thinks it's not good to work your heart at a heart rate of 145 for so long (over 30 minutes). i'm going to look into this, but has anyone else heard this?
in other news, in the past two weeks i've read a couple of books i really enjoyed. the first was little children by tom perrotta. i've never read anything by him before, but he's best known for writing the book election that led to the movie starring matthew broderick and reese witherspoon. little children was not the typical book for me as i didn't really like any of three protagonists: a woman stuck in a loveless marriage raising a toddler, a mr. mom who wants to avoid taking the bar exam and instead relive his days as a star football player, and a pedophile. the book is basically a commentary on modernday suburbia, but it's pretty witty if a little depressing.
the next book i read was prep by curtis sittenfeld (curtis is a girl). it's about the four years a girl named lee spends at ault, an exclusive prep school in the northeast. lee is a middle class girl who was a star back in indiana, but is completely overshadowed at ault. she is so self conscious it's almost painful to read. reviews have compared prep to catcher in the rye, probably because there's not a ton of plot and most of the drama takes place in lee's head. she takes passivity to a whole new level. prep is set in the early 90s, but it does have a pretty timeless quality about it. the book is too long, but it's still a page turner and definitely rings true. once again tho, the protagonist is not really that likable. lee is the cause of most of her own problems. i'm a sucker for books like this tho.
i'm now reading the plot against america by philip roth. it's an alternative view of history - lindbergh beats roosevelt for president in 1940 and as a result the US makes an alliance with hitler. i'm only about 50 pages into it, but i'm close to giving up. the story is told by a 7 yr old boy and is too packed with minutae for me so far. i'm going to give it another 50 pages before making this decision. i've only read one other book by roth, deception. it's all dialogue so that intrigued me. but the reviews for plot were so great that i had to try it. i'll let you know if i stick with it or not. if anyone has any recs for me, pls let me know. my mom just read a man in full by tom wolfe and raved about it, so maybe that'll be next.
still haven't watched deadwood. i think we'll save it for saturday morning. my fav new show is shockingly on fox - and no it's not the bane of tv american idol - it's House! if you haven't seen this you have to watch it. house is played by the fabulous hugh laurie. he is sooooooooo funny. the dialogue is so hilarious that you don't even care what the ailment of the week is on this medical show. i could listen to this guy read the white pages and be amused. i highly recommend it - tuesday's at 8 on fox. the rest of the cast is good too. the writers are big on character development, unlike some of these other shows (yes, medical investigation - i'm talking about you).
as for my total body makeover, i'm still at it. this is week 3 and i have 67 days left! i stuck with all the exercise over my long wkend in glenwood springs - except for monday. i totally skipped that day. i was back at it tho on tuesday and am now riding the bike 35 min/day. this morning i burned 262 calories. you get 3 occasions over the 12 wks when you get to drink alcohol - i used up my first this wkend drinking wine and champagne. i also ate a few bites of cake, icing and an ice cream bar. but that's all the sugar i've had since i started. i haven't weighed again (maybe i will next monday) but i do think i've lost some weight in my stomach. my jeans are definitely looser there. i'm also able to lift a little more weight without collapsing on the floor in tears. this is a good thing. my dad thinks it's not good to work your heart at a heart rate of 145 for so long (over 30 minutes). i'm going to look into this, but has anyone else heard this?
<\Bush> is probably supposed to be </Bush> This is a nerd joke, which even for a nerd like me is not really funny. This is XML syntax for an "end" tag - <Bush> would be the equivalent "begin" tag. So my take on this is that it means "end Bush".
Ha ha, ha?
Thomas Cook, at 3/10/2005 2:27 PM
trust me to not even be able to type such a confusing thing correctly!
Sunday, at 3/10/2005 2:36 PM
Hey Sunday, I have enjoyed your BLOG. I have created one as well. There is not too much to it yet, but I'll keep you both posted. I hope all is well. Take care!
El Capitan, at 3/10/2005 2:46 PM
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