And One I Forgot

Hey everyone, I just saw Joan and Mellissa's Golden Globe Fashion Wrap on the TV Guide Channel where they review the best and worst dressed of the night. The TV Guide channel is a new one for us. Our local cable network just got bought out by Comcast (an utter nightmare of a transition let me tell you, resulting in me missing last week's Lost - I'm still bitter). Anyway, it's a very strange channel. The top half is a show and the bottom half is the scrolling guide of what's currently on TV. Joan and Melissa deserve better. It's definitely not the best forum for reviewing stars' clothing choices I can promise you. But it was still worthwhile to me because they highlighted a star I had somehow missed in my Golden Globes viewing: Kate Beckinsdale. She looked utterly gorgeous in her white gown. She also had great hair, makeup and jewelry so she definitely belongs on my best dressed list. I first noticed Kate in a fabulous movie called Cold Comfort Farm (this led me to read the equally good novel by Stella Gibbons). If you're an Anglophile or a fan of great, small, witty period movies (this one's set in the 30's), Cold Comfort is one to add to your netflix queue. It also stars Rufus Sewell of Dark City (please don't tell me you haven't seen it - Ebert actually named it the number 1 movie of 1998 so you have no excuse), Ian McKellan (that'd be Gandalf to all you Tolkien fans) and Joanna Lumley of the incomparable Ab Fab. Anyway, this is the first movie I ever saw Kate in and I adored her for it. Since then, she's had a fairly dismal record in film. She opens in the sequel to Underworld this weekend, a movie I'll probably be forced to see by Thomas. The original was fairly horrid even tho it starred Kate and my beloved Ben from Felicity. Hopefully Kate will one day return to her roots and star in more English period pieces, definitely one of my favorite genres.
This actually relates to a post a couple ones down, but Mary Louise Parker ranks number two on my list of women who typically play "the girlfriend/straight character next to a bigger male star" that I have an irrational crush on, Maura Tierney obviously being number one. Strangely, number 3, whose name I cannot for the life of me remember, looks a lot like MLP - I think she was on The West Wing for awhile - and I irrationally crush on her as well. Who knows. I wish Quentin Tarantino would rescue one of these women from obscurity, Maura in particular (I'm sorry, but MT and MLP are too good looking and too talented to be stuck in television shows and as secondary characters in motion pics). Good coverage of the globes, btw.
Anonymous, at 1/20/2006 7:55 PM
S*** - I just looked it up - it was MLP who was on The West Wing, though I swear that there is another actress that looks like her that I also like.
Anonymous, at 1/20/2006 7:57 PM
fI commented earlier, but I forgot to publish. All well here, and your entry paralleled mine. We have a lot of the same taste, tho you write at it better. kate
Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 9:56 AM
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