Hey Everyone! I was determined to see Bride and Prejudice at the movies this weekend but was foiled by taxes and errands and six inches of snow and such. It's an Indian remake of Pride and Prejudice, what else! Thomas has refused to go with me, because he says he knows the story already. I know - he's crazy - this is a story i can see over and over (see: Bridget Jones). so i'm going to have to catch a matinee solo soon because i know i'm going to love it.
we did watch the season opener of deadwood on saturday. we're a week behind so if you've already seen part 2 don't spoil it for me. since i haven't seen part 2 yet, maybe i shouldn't comment, but i feel compelled. i was actually a little disappointed with the show. it seemed a little overly ambitious to me and i could not for the life of me figure out some characters' motivations. why, for example, did al decide to start the fight with bullock. he wanted bullock to be sheriff and the fact that bullock is helping alma with her gold is a done deal. it seemed like he was provoked by the fact that bullock had guards on the coach taking away the gold. or maybe al's just in an all around bad mood because government is coming to deadwood. he had some amazing dialogue here, especially when he went off on the telegraph poles talking about how they didn't need anymore imponderables and the telegraphs just bring bad news. as one who avoids the mailbox, i tend to agree. i was also surprised that bullock's wife showed up. i was loving the bullock/alma relationship, so this didn't thrill me and again - why did he send for them now?? and who would build their house in the midst of all deadwood's madness. i'd have chosen a spot a bit more removed from town. anyway, i can't wait for next week. i think they're just trying to set us up for the season and they overextended. deadwood has by no means jumped the shark.
Now for an update on my total body makeover. last week in general was a KILLER. my appetite was huge. i would wake up hungry, be hungry 30 minutes after eating and go to bed hungry. my diet hasn't changed - still avoiding the starchy carbs and alcohol. still not eating after 7:30 (this is my favorite rule and i highly recommend it no matter what plan you're on or if you're on a plan at all - it makes life much more manageable). i was hugely craving sugar this weekend and did have about half of a serving of rice pudding when we went to saffron (our new fav indian restaurant in boulder). i told you i'd be honest! but other than that, i've stuck to my diet thanks to whole foods' chopped up fruit. there you can buy a pretty big serving of prepared fruit - rasberries, mangos, kiwis, blackberries, etc. a little of this a day goes a long way to curbing my refined sugar needs. as for exercise, i've still only missed one day (3/7). i road the bike for 68 minutes on saturday at the 124 heartrate and this time it was not easy. 68 minutes felt like forever! but i finished. this morning was better - 35 minutes at a 140 heartrate. i burned 272 calories doing this and then lifted weights for 40 minutes. i still haven't weighed again. i have to make myself do this, but i'm terrified of being discouraged, so it's going to have to wait another week or two. 63 days and counting until i'm done!
boulder bumper sticker of the day: "Regan = War, recession and record deficits. Bush = War, recession and record deficits. W = War, recession and record deficits. Why do we keep electing Republican presidents?" The fact that President Reagan's name is mispelled on this bumper sticker pretty much says it all.
i need to give a special shout out to two new blogs that have come to my attention - jess's and thomas's. you can see the links to these sites on the links section of my blog. check them out! both have pictures so you can see what's happening with the rest of the clan. also, a new Bio section has been added to cbk's website. it's something only creede could write, so be sure to view it as well. now if i can just get my mom blogging, we'll be set! thomas came up with a great term for all of us: the blogerati.
we did watch the season opener of deadwood on saturday. we're a week behind so if you've already seen part 2 don't spoil it for me. since i haven't seen part 2 yet, maybe i shouldn't comment, but i feel compelled. i was actually a little disappointed with the show. it seemed a little overly ambitious to me and i could not for the life of me figure out some characters' motivations. why, for example, did al decide to start the fight with bullock. he wanted bullock to be sheriff and the fact that bullock is helping alma with her gold is a done deal. it seemed like he was provoked by the fact that bullock had guards on the coach taking away the gold. or maybe al's just in an all around bad mood because government is coming to deadwood. he had some amazing dialogue here, especially when he went off on the telegraph poles talking about how they didn't need anymore imponderables and the telegraphs just bring bad news. as one who avoids the mailbox, i tend to agree. i was also surprised that bullock's wife showed up. i was loving the bullock/alma relationship, so this didn't thrill me and again - why did he send for them now?? and who would build their house in the midst of all deadwood's madness. i'd have chosen a spot a bit more removed from town. anyway, i can't wait for next week. i think they're just trying to set us up for the season and they overextended. deadwood has by no means jumped the shark.
Now for an update on my total body makeover. last week in general was a KILLER. my appetite was huge. i would wake up hungry, be hungry 30 minutes after eating and go to bed hungry. my diet hasn't changed - still avoiding the starchy carbs and alcohol. still not eating after 7:30 (this is my favorite rule and i highly recommend it no matter what plan you're on or if you're on a plan at all - it makes life much more manageable). i was hugely craving sugar this weekend and did have about half of a serving of rice pudding when we went to saffron (our new fav indian restaurant in boulder). i told you i'd be honest! but other than that, i've stuck to my diet thanks to whole foods' chopped up fruit. there you can buy a pretty big serving of prepared fruit - rasberries, mangos, kiwis, blackberries, etc. a little of this a day goes a long way to curbing my refined sugar needs. as for exercise, i've still only missed one day (3/7). i road the bike for 68 minutes on saturday at the 124 heartrate and this time it was not easy. 68 minutes felt like forever! but i finished. this morning was better - 35 minutes at a 140 heartrate. i burned 272 calories doing this and then lifted weights for 40 minutes. i still haven't weighed again. i have to make myself do this, but i'm terrified of being discouraged, so it's going to have to wait another week or two. 63 days and counting until i'm done!
boulder bumper sticker of the day: "Regan = War, recession and record deficits. Bush = War, recession and record deficits. W = War, recession and record deficits. Why do we keep electing Republican presidents?" The fact that President Reagan's name is mispelled on this bumper sticker pretty much says it all.
i need to give a special shout out to two new blogs that have come to my attention - jess's and thomas's. you can see the links to these sites on the links section of my blog. check them out! both have pictures so you can see what's happening with the rest of the clan. also, a new Bio section has been added to cbk's website. it's something only creede could write, so be sure to view it as well. now if i can just get my mom blogging, we'll be set! thomas came up with a great term for all of us: the blogerati.
It might have been the drugs I'm on, but I thought last night's Deadwood sucked. I won't include spoilers, but it just sucked. Unfortunately, I was too sleepy after its boredom to stay up and watch my other favorite show, The L Word. 9 p.m. is just too late for me. Good job on the makeover, I'm jealous.
Anonymous, at 3/14/2005 2:59 PM
Yes, I must admit I'm a little tired of the whole Pride and Prejudice formula. After Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones I & II, and others like this new Bride and Prejudice, what's next - Pride and Apple Juice? Yes - I've been there, done that. Time for the plot devisers to MOVE ON.
They did pack so much into Deadwood that it suffered from feeling more like a family reunion than the perfectly devised show it normally is. But Deadwood is far from over, and I'm still watching avidly.
I should also say that Sunday is looking great! Total body makeover is alright by me. Keep up the good work!
Thomas Cook, at 3/14/2005 7:51 PM
Love the bumper sticker add-on. I love to read what idiots put on their cars. I only have CREEDE and mts on mine. I like Parrothead too, but some say so much about the people or "living units" within.
I hate that Creede used the word "suck" in his comment. He has such a great vocabulary to resort to retardese.
I bet your Total Body Makeover is great. I just can't believe you are actually lifting weights. Making muscle now is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Wish I had done it.
Anonymous, at 3/16/2005 5:02 PM
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