Sunday's Guide to the Galaxy

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Calling All Buddhists!

Hey everyone, Today at the grocery store the guy checking me out took my credit card and asked if my name was really Sunday. I replied yes and he told me his name was Friday! I was very excited, though his nametag read Pannang. He said that means Friday in Tibetan - that's where he's from. He then told me that other people were named after weekdays in Tibet. My name is Pima there. I always love figuring this out. I once met a lady at the DMV named Dominga (it's the word for Sunday in Spanish and was my name in my jr high Spanish class - Senora Galoodt vetoed my first choice of Josephina for some reason) - she processed yet another lost driver's license for me. Dominga wasn't nearly as thrilled by our naming coincidence though. It must have been the setting.

I still have people from college that call me Dominga and I'm also called Zondag by Niels (he's from the Netherlands). I just googled how to spell Zondag and found my new favorite website - it has the days of the week in almost every language! Pima isn't listed, but neither is anything in Tibetan, so I'll hope Pannang wasn't pulling my leg. Pima sounds like puma to me, so maybe it'll somehow make me faster, just like black sneakers used to do.

Anyway, Pannang was extremely friendly and obviously thrilled to be asked any question about his native country and asked me if I was familiar with the Dalai Lama. Any girl who's read anything about Richard Gere knows the answer to this question. It turns out the Lama himself is coming to Colorado on September 17. Pannang can't remember the exact name of the venue, but it's open to the public so it should be pretty easy to find. He is so excited though already, I just don't know how he's going to wait 8 more months for this. For all you would be Buddhists or celebrity stalkers out there, here's an event you can't miss. Tibetans seem pretty friendly so I think I'll be there to support Pannang.


Boulder Bumpersticker of the Day: Skateboarding ruined my life.


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