Blast From the Past

Chris Setser was in Boulder last Tuesday, and here we are at Rhumba eating some dinner. I don't have time now to say much now because I'm packing to head out to see Cyd in NYC, so suffice it to say that it was great to see Chris, catch up, and have Thomas meet an old friend from Arkansas! I'll try to update this entry with more later...
Chris looks a little different from the pics I've seen, but I think it is the hair style. You two look great---thanks to your talented and thoughtful husband who took the pic. kk
Anonymous, at 4/07/2005 2:38 PM
I miss your Boulder bumpersticker a day insert. Surely there are more.
Anonymous, at 4/07/2005 2:40 PM
This is an excellent pic of you, Sunday - the straightened hair is a controversial topic in our family, but I say keep it up.
Anonymous, at 4/22/2005 6:50 PM
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